At Mohenjo-Daro, there lay in the citadel a ‘college’ a multi-pillared “Assembly Hall” a public bath (the Great Bath) and a large granary consisting of a podium of square blocks of burnt bricks with a wooden superstructure.

Such blocks in mudbrick have also been found on the citadel-mound at Kali Banga and on the acropolis at Lothal. At Harappa, the interior of the citadel has not been adequately excavated. But in the shadow of the citadel has been found a granary consisting of twelve oblong blocks in an area of over 800 Sq. m., as at Mohenjo-Daro.

At Harappa, between the granary and the citadel, have also been found a series of circular platforms, probably for the pounding of grain, and two rows of workmen’s quarters.

        The commodious house, knit into a system of rigid town-planning, the public buildings, large granaries and the citadel, all combine to present the picture of a prosperous people, controlled by a firm yet beneficent authority.

        The extensive use of burnt bricks, for the firing of which plenty of wood was needed, and the frequent depiction of jungle fauna like the tiger, rhinoceros and bison on the Indus seals suggest that in those days there was perhaps more rainfall in the area than today. Today at Mohenjo-Daro even 10 cm. of rainfall a year is rare besides, the rivers, which have shifted their courses slightly away, seem to have skirted the towns: the Indus, Ravi, Ghaggar, Sutlej and Bhogavar (LimrikBhogaon) skirted Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa, Kali Banga, Rupar and Lothal respectively. Adequate water supply and rich alluvial soil favored agriculture.

        There were bumper crops of wheat and barley, besides peas, melons and bananas. There was cultivation of cotton for textiles – a crop unknown in those times even in Egypt.

        To the dietary were added fish, fowl, mutton, beef and pork. Besides the cattle, both humped and hump less, cats, dogs and probably elephants were domesticated. The evidence regarding horse and camel is inconclusive.

         On a potsherd from Harappa is found a person wearing a dhoti, shawl as an upper garment is suggested by the well-known steatite statuette from Mohenjo-Daro, supposed to be of a priest. The occurrence of needles and buttons proves that at least some items of dress might, have been stitched.

         Life seems to have been gay and happy as shown by the various ways in which the womenfolk dressed their hair and bedecked themselves with necklaces, bracelets, finger-rings, earrings, girdles, and anklets. There were diversions, such as dice or hunting wild animals. The young played With Marbles, Rattles and Toys. The bull with a mobile head, and the monkey going up and down a string, show ingenuity.

         The terracotta figurines, animal as well as human, and the black-on-red pottery rich with designs, show that even the common man had a taste for the beautiful though his buildings seem to have been drab.

The progress which the Indus people had made in the plastic arts is borne out by the two sandstone statuettes from Harappa in which human anatomy is depicted.

These figures could well have been the envy of the Greeks, renowned for their sculptural art, two thousand years later. Metal sculpture too was far advanced as shown by the pose and facial expression of the bronze statuette from Mohenjo-Daro.

The seal-cutter’s art seems to have reached its zenith. The Brahmani bull, with its swinging dewlap, pronounced hump and muscular body, bears a standing testimony to the skill of the Indus craftsman.

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