Legislative Procedure

Bill: A bill is a proposal for a legislation which when passed by both the houses of Parliament and approved by the President becomes an act. There are three kinds of bills. They are

  1. Ordinary Bills
  2. Financial Bills
  • Money Bills
  • Financial Bills – Type I
  • Financial Bills – Type II
  1. Constitutional Amendment Bills

Procedure for enactment of ordinary bills:

An ordinary bill can be either a public bill, that is introduced by a minister or a private bill, introduced by a Member of Parliament who is not a minister. It can be introduced in either house of the Parliament. The enactment of an ordinary bill goes through the following five stages.

  1. First Reading:

In this stage, the mover of the bill introduces the bill in the house by reading its title and objectives. The bill is later published in the gazette of India. The provisions of the bill are not discussed in this stage.

  1. Second Reading:

In this stage, the provisions of the bill are thoroughly examined and changes are introduced. The bill goes through three substages. They are

  1. General Discussions:

In this stage, the printed copies of the bill are distributed among the members of the house and general discussions take place. The details of each and every clause of the bill will not be discussed.

  1. Committee Stage:

After the general discussion, the bill is referred to the select committee of the house. The details of the bill are examined and the required amendments are done without changing the basic principles of the bill.

  1. Consideration stage:

In this stage, the bill is again put for detailed discussions in the house. Each and every clause is discussed and voted upon separately. The members can suggest amendments to the bill in this stage.    


  1. Third Reading:

In this stage, no new amendments will be entertained and the final voting on the bill takes place. If the majority of the members of the house present and voting accepts the bill, it is considered to be passed by the house. The presiding officer then authenticates the bill and passes it to the other house for voting.

  1. Passage of Bill in the Second House:

In the second house also the bill go through all the three stages, the first reading, the second reading and the third reading. If the second house also passes the bill with a simple majority, then the bill will be presented to the President for his approval.


  1. President’s Assent:

When a bill is presented to the President, he may

  1. Give his assent to the bill
  2. With hold the bill
  3. Send the bill back to the Parliament for reconsideration.
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