Committees Related to Day to Day Businesses of the houses


Committee on Absence of Members of the Houses

It examines the applications for leave by the members and disqualifies members who are absent from the sittings for 60 days or more without permission. Only the Lok Sabha has a committee for this purpose.


Committees on Private Member’s Bills and Resolutions

It examines the resolutions and bills proposed by the private members and allocates time for discussions on them. Only the Lok Sabha has a committee for this purpose. Deputy Speaker is the Chairman of this committee.


Business Advisory Committee

It allocates time for the transaction of businesses in the houses. The Speaker is the ex officio chairman of the Lok Sabha committee and the Chairman of RS is the ex officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha committee.


Rules Committee

It deals with the matters related to procedure for the conduct of business in the houses. The  Speaker is the ex officio chairman of the Lok Sabha committee and the Chairman of RS is the ex officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha committee.


Housekeeping Committees


House Committee

It deals with the matters related to the accommodation of members of the houses. Separate committees are constituted in both the houses.


Library Committee

It assists the members in utilising the library services.


General Purpose Committee

It deals with general matters that do not fall under other committees. The Speaker is the ex officio chairman of the Lok Sabha committee and the Chairman of RS is the ex officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha committee.


Joint Committee on Salaries and Allowances

It regulates the salaries and allowances provided to the members of Parliament.



The Ad hoc committees are constituted for a specific purpose and dismantled after the purpose is achieved. Thus, these are temporary committees. Based on the purpose, the Ad hoc committees are classified into two types. They are 

  1. Inquiry Committees: The inquiry committees are constituted either by the two houses or by the Speaker / Chairman to inquire into and report on specific matters.

Advisory Committees: Advisory committees are constituted for the purpose of law-making. After the general discussion on a bill takes place in a house, the house may refer the bill to a select committee of the house or a joint committee of two houses for detailed examination. The committee considers every clause of the bill and amendments can be introduced to various clauses by its members. After considering every clause of the bill, the committee submits its report to the house.

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